How is Goras Milk better, compared to Vendor’s loose milk?

Goras milk is pasteurized and free from active pathogenic bacteria where as vendor’s loose milk is un-pasteurized and may contain various pathogenic bacteria. Vendor’s milk can be easily adulterated by the middle men.

What is double toned milk and why is Goras not selling double toned milk?

Mostly double toned milk is manufactured by mixing natural milk with milk powder and water. Double toned milk has 1.5% fat and 9.5% milk solids. Unfortunately many of the disease preventing components of natural milk are low in double toned milk. These include immunoglobulin which improves immunity of the body.

Why Goras ghee doesn’t get solid and remains like oil?

Goras ghee remains in liquid form under room temperature, because it has unsaturated fat. More the percentage of unsaturated fat, the higher will be the melting point. Hydrogenated fat (Dalda) doesn’t contain unsaturated fat, hence it gets solidified even at room temperature. Ghee or oil with more unsaturated fat is always better. So Goras ghee is better option.

What is pasteurized milk? Can milk be pasteurized at home?

The pasteurization process consists of two steps. Chilled milk is rapidly heated up to 720C in few seconds and kept for 15 seconds in the same temperature. Then the temperature is brought down to 40C in 5 to 10 seconds. Most of the harmful bacteria grow fast in the temperature range of 300C to 500C. Few of them grow even at low temperature. This process kills or immobilizes all types of bacteria. This process can’t be done at home as temperature of milk can’t be changed so fast.

What is the difference between cow milk and buffalo milk?

Cow milk has less fat. Cow milk also has higher percentage of unsaturated fat. Cow milk contains carotene; so ghee made from cow milk is yellowish in colour. Caroten is an anti oxidant and gets converted to Vitamin A in our body. Hence cow milk is superior to buffalo milk. You can refer to our exhaustive explanation on difference between cow milk and buffalo milk separately.

What is A2 Milk?

A2 Cow milk is also known as Desi Cow Milk and is produced by cows that have only A2 beta casein protein. To be simpler, cow milk is available in two types of beta-casein proteins. These proteins are A1 and A2, which differ from each other by single amino acid. Most of the dairy herbs in India produce A2 milk. Our Indian breeds such as Gir, Sahiwal, Kankrej, Rathi and Hariana are best when it comes to high quality A2 milk. European cows or hybrid cows, on the other hand produce only A1 milk.

What is Whole Cow Milk (W.C.M), Toned Milk (T.M) and Double Toned Milk (D.T.M)?

Double Toned Milk (DTM) contains 1.5% fat and 9.5% other milk solids. To reduce fat, either fat is removed or it is diluted by adding water. When water is added, then even milk powder has to be added in large quantity. Milk will give the smell of milk powder. This makes milk little unstable. Even Toned Milk (T.M) has 3% fat. This is prepared either by removing fat or by adding water and milk powder. Whole Cow Milk(W.C.M) marketed by GORAS has 3% to 4% fat and 8 % to 9% non fat solids, keeping natural properties of milk, beneficial enzymes and proteins intact.

Why does milk need refrigeration?

Milk requires refrigeration so that the bacteria does not proliferate and spoil the milk.

Is the Poly pack used by GORAS safe, virgin and food grade quality?

Polythene used by us for packing milk is of food grade quality, made of virgin plastic granules and it is absolutely safe.

Why does milk get sour?

Sometimes milk turns sour because of increase in acidity. In addition to its own natural acidity, it may further increase due to degradation of lactose, to lactic acid by enzymatic action of bacteria.

What is the difference between pure cow desi ghee and hydrogenated Oil (vanaspati)?

Desi ghee is made from pure cow milk. It has good aroma if it is prepared from ripened cream or butter. Cow ghee is yellow due to high carotene content and it is soft in normal atmospheric temperature. Hydrogenated fat is hydrogenated vegetable oil also known as trans-fat is more harmful than natural saturated fat like ghee.

Why should you consume Indigenous Desi Cow Milk (A2 Milk)?

The hump of a desi cow has a specific vein – called surya ketu naadi, which absorbs the energy from sun and moon. The solar rays produce golden salts in cow’s blood; giving golden colour to dairy products. These salts and other bodily fluids present in the cow miraculously cure many diseases. The cow milk is filled with nutrients and minerals.

How to identify breed of Indian Indigenous (Desi) Cow?

Indian cow can be easily recognized, compared with its overseas counterparts. It is easy to identify Indian desi cows just by observing these 2 features.

  • Hump: All Indian cows have hump on their back. This provides them advantage to carry more load.
  • Dewlap: Indian cows develop a fold of loose skin hanging below neck. Dewlap provides high heat resistant capacity and makes desi cows sustain in all environments.


India has a rich heritage of cultivating breeds of desi cows. Different breeds of cows are developed in different atmospheric & geographic conditions. They vary in some or the other attributes, but all of them display the characteristics of hump and dewlap.

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