Chaach 500ml

Goras Butter milk or traditionally called as Chaach is the liquid leftover after whole milk has been churned into butter. The name buttermilk is somewhat misleading, as it doesn’t contain butter. Buttermilk contains mostly water, milk sugar lactose, and milk protein casein.
It is pasteurized, homogenized and lactic-acid-producing bacteria cultures are added, which includes Lactococcus lactis or Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Lactic acid increases the acidity of the buttermilk and prevents unwanted bacterial growth, which extends its shelf life. It also gives buttermilk its slightly sour taste. .

Nutritional Facts* per 100ml

S. No. Amount Per 100 ml Values
1 Total Carbohydrates 2.0 g
2 Protein 2.5 g
3 Total Fat 1.5 g
4 Energy K. cal 31.0 g
5 MUFA 0.4 g
6 PUFA 0.06 g
7 Trans Fat 0.04 g
8 Cholesterol traces
9 Phosphorus 35 mg
10 Calcium 44 mg
11 Vitamin A 40 IU
12 Vitamin B 0.05 mg
*Approx. Values
Category: Product ID: 72


Goras Butter milk or traditionally called as Chaach is the liquid leftover after whole milk has been churned into butter. The name buttermilk is somewhat misleading, as it doesn’t contain butter. Buttermilk contains mostly water, milk sugar lactose, and milk protein casein.

It is pasteurized, homogenized and lactic-acid-producing bacteria cultures are added, which includes Lactococcus lactis or Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Lactic acid increases the acidity of the buttermilk and prevents unwanted bacterial growth, which extends its shelf life. It also gives buttermilk its slightly sour taste.


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